PVC pipes are used as casing into the borehole because they are sturdy but light and heasy to handle. Pancera Tubi well pipes are free of heavy metals, non-toxic and suitable for use with drinking water according to Italian Ministerial Decree 174/2004, as documented in the “certifications” section. They comply also with EU standards EU 10/2011 and CE 1935/2004. PVC pipes for artesian wells are made of the highest quality materials which, thanks to their chemical and physical features, protect them from the corrosion of very aggressive waters or from alterations due to stray currents, thus ensuring their durability over time. The internal surface of the PVC pipes is extremely smooth and this prevents any type of fouling. The thickness is constant along the entire length and the threaded joints help a quick and easy installation. Compared to traditional steel casings, PVC pipes for artesian wells are cheaper and most drilling companies prefer them since long time. All PVC pipes are carefully inspected and the joints are tested, where applicable the PVC pipes are built according to the requirements of DIN 4925. The company policy regularly schedules investments in new technologies and improvement of its systems to offer our customers always reliable and performing products. The PVC well casing pipes are in blue bars 1-3-5 or 6 m long with diameters ranging from ½ ”to 630 mm and thicknesses from 3.0 to 24.0 mm.
Pic. 1 – M/F Threaded end with socket.
This kind of connection requires larger
overall dimensions compared to the pipe diameter.
Pic. 2 – Flush joints
This kind of connection requires the same
overall dimensions as the pipe diameter.